Shiba Inu Puppy price rise in 2024

Shiba Inu Puppy Crypto, or SHIP, is a new cryptocurrency that was launched in January 2024. It is inspired by the popular meme of a Shiba Inu dog, which is also the mascot of another cryptocurrency, Dogecoin. SHIP aims to be a fun and friendly alternative to the mainstream cryptocurrencies, with a focus on community and charity. In this beginner’s guide, we will explain what SHIP is, how it works, how to buy and sell it, and what are its advantages and disadvantages.

What is Shiba Inu Puppy?

shiba inu puppy

SHIP is a decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency that can be used to make online payments or donations. It is based on the Ethereum blockchain, which means it is compatible with other Ethereum-based tokens and applications. SHIP has a total supply of 1 quadrillion tokens, of which 50% were sent to the Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin as a gesture of goodwill, and 50% were locked in a liquidity pool on Uniswap, a decentralized exchange. SHIP holders can earn rewards by staking their tokens in the liquidity pool, or by participating in the governance of the project.

How does Shiba Inu Puppy work?

SHIP works similarly to other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. It uses a network of computers, called nodes, to validate transactions and secure the network. Anyone can run a node and join the network, as long as they have the required software and hardware. SHIP transactions are recorded in a public ledger, called the blockchain, which is updated every few seconds. The blockchain ensures that the transactions are transparent, immutable, and verifiable. SHIP transactions are also fast and cheap, as they only require a small amount of gas, which is the fee paid to the network for processing the transactions.

How to buy and sell SHIP?

To buy and sell SHIP, you need a cryptocurrency wallet and an exchange. A wallet is a software or hardware device that allows you to store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies. An exchange is a platform that allows you to trade cryptocurrencies with other users or with fiat currencies, such as US dollars or euros. There are many types of wallets and exchanges available, but we will recommend some of the most popular and reliable ones for SHIP.


One of the best wallets for SHIP is MetaMask, which is a browser extension that allows you to interact with the Ethereum blockchain and other decentralized applications. MetaMask is easy to use and secure, as it lets you control your own private keys and passwords. You can download MetaMask from its official website,, and follow the instructions to set up your account and password. You will also need to create a recovery phrase, which is a set of 12 words that can help you restore your account in case you lose your password or device. You should write down your recovery phrase and keep it in a safe place, as losing it could result in losing your funds.

shiba inu puppy for sale

To receive SHIP in your MetaMask wallet, you need to add the SHIP token to your wallet. To do this, you need to click on the “Add Token” button at the bottom of your wallet, and then select the “Custom Token” option. You will then need to enter the following information:

  • Token Contract Address: 0x9f8f72aa9304c8b593d555f1xxxxxxxx.
  • Token Symbol: SHIP
  • Decimals of Precision: 18

You can then click on the “Next” button and confirm the addition of the SHIP token to your wallet. You will then see your SHIP balance and the option to send and receive SHIP.


One of the best exchanges for Shiba Inu Puppy is Uniswap, which is a decentralized exchange that allows you to swap any Ethereum-based token with another, without the need for a middleman or a registration. Uniswap is also the official exchange of SHIP, as it hosts the SHIP liquidity pool, where you can buy and sell SHIP with other users. You can access Uniswap from its official website,, and connect it with your MetaMask wallet.

shiba inu puppy for sale

To buy SHIP on Uniswap, you need to have some Ethereum (ETH) in your MetaMask wallet, as ETH is the main trading pair for Shiba Inu Puppy. You can buy ETH from other exchanges, such as Coinbase or Binance, and then send it to your MetaMask wallet. You will then need to click on the “Swap” button on the Uniswap website, and select ETH as the input token and SHIP as the output token.

You will then need to enter the amount of ETH you want to swap, and you will see the amount of SHIP you will receive. You will also see the current exchange rate, the slippage tolerance, and the gas fee for the transaction. You can adjust these parameters according to your preference, but keep in mind that a higher slippage tolerance and gas fee could result in a faster and more successful transaction.

You can then click on the “Confirm Swap” button and approve the transaction on your MetaMask wallet. You will then see a confirmation message and a link to view the transaction on the blockchain explorer, Etherscan. You will also see your updated SHIP balance on your MetaMask wallet.

To sell SHIP on Uniswap, you need to follow the same steps, but in reverse. You need to select SHIP as the input token and ETH as the output token, and enter the amount of SHIP you want to swap. You will then see the amount of ETH you will receive, and the other parameters. You can then confirm the swap and approve the transaction on your MetaMask wallet. You will then see a confirmation message and a link to view the transaction on Etherscan. You will also see your updated ETH balance on your MetaMask wallet.

What are the advantages of Shiba Inu Puppy?

SHIP has several advantages that make it an attractive and unique cryptocurrency. Some of these advantages are:

  • Shiba Inu Puppy is fun and friendly. SHIP is inspired by the Shiba Inu dog, which is a cute and loyal breed that has become a popular meme on the internet. SHIP aims to capture the spirit of the Shiba Inu and create a fun and friendly community of users and supporters. SHIP also has a humorous and playful tone, as it uses terms such as “woof” and “paw” to refer to its features and functions.
  • Shiba Inu Puppy is community-driven and charitable. SHIP is not controlled by a central authority or a company, but by its community of users and holders. SHIP holders can participate in the governance of the project, by voting on proposals and suggestions, and by contributing to the development and marketing of the project. SHIP also has a charitable aspect, as it donates a portion of its fees and rewards to animal welfare organizations, such as the Shiba Inu Rescue Association and the World Animal Protection.
  • Shiba Inu Puppy is innovative and scalable. SHIP is based on the Ethereum blockchain, which is one of the most advanced and widely used blockchains in the world. Ethereum offers a high level of security, interoperability, and functionality, as it supports smart contracts and decentralized applications. SHIP also benefits from the ongoing improvements and upgrades of the Ethereum network, such as the transition to Ethereum 2.0, which will increase the speed, efficiency, and scalability of the network.

What are the disadvantages of SHIP?

SHIP also has some disadvantages that make it a risky and volatile cryptocurrency. Some of these disadvantages are:

  • Shiba Inu Puppy is highly speculative and unpredictable. SHIP is a new and unproven cryptocurrency, that has not yet established a solid reputation or track record. SHIP is also influenced by the hype and sentiment of the market, which can cause its price to fluctuate significantly and unpredictably. SHIP is not backed by any tangible asset or value, and its price is determined by the supply and demand of the market. Therefore, Shiba Inu Puppy is not suitable for investors who are looking for a stable and reliable source of income or value.
  • SHIP is subject to competition and regulation. SHIP is not the only cryptocurrency that is inspired by the Shiba Inu dog, or that aims to be a fun and friendly alternative to the mainstream cryptocurrencies. SHIP faces competition from other similar cryptocurrencies, such as Dogecoin, Akita Inu, Kishu Inu, and others, that could challenge its popularity and market share. SHIP is also subject to the regulation and oversight of the authorities and governments, that could impose restrictions or bans on the use and trade of cryptocurrencies, especially those that are considered to be risky or fraudulent.
  • SHIP is vulnerable to technical and security issues. SHIP is dependent on the Ethereum blockchain, which is a complex and evolving system that could encounter technical and security issues, such as bugs, glitches, hacks, or attacks. These issues could affect the performance, functionality, and security of the shiba inu puppy network and transactions, and could result in the loss or theft of funds, or the disruption or shutdown of the network. SHIP users and holders are also responsible for the security and maintenance of their own wallets and devices, and could lose their funds if they forget their passwords, lose their recovery phrases, or damage or lose their devices.

How to store and secure Shiba Inu Puppy?

To store and secure SHIP, you need to use a cryptocurrency wallet that supports SHIP and the Ethereum blockchain. As we mentioned before, one of the best wallets for SHIP is MetaMask, which is a browser extension that allows you to interact with the Ethereum blockchain and other decentralized applications. However, there are other.

What is current shiba inu puppy price?

The current price of SHIP is $0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 per token, as of March 4, 2024, at 10:17 AM EST. This is a very small and volatile price, as SHIP is a new and unproven cryptocurrency that has not yet established a solid reputation or track record. SHIP is also influenced by the hype and sentiment of the market, which can cause its price to fluctuate significantly and unpredictably.

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